Black Christmas (2019)

Black Christmas (2019)

Release Date : Dec. 11, 2019 | Rating ★★★★
Details : Hawthorne College is winding down for the holidays yet one by one sorority girls are being picked off. Riley Stone a girl dealing with her own trauma begins to notice and tries to save her friends before they too are picked off.
Duration : 1 Hour 32 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Imogen Poots as Riley Stone

Cary Elwes as Gelson

Lily Donoghue as Marty

Aleyse Shannon as Kris

Lucy Currey as Lindsay

Ben Black as Phil

Simon Mead as Nate

Brittany O'Grady as Jesse | Madeleine Adams as Helena | Caleb Eberhardt as Landon | Zoe Robins as Oona | Ryan McIntyre as Brian Huntley | Mark Neilson as Gil | Nathalie Morris as Fran | Executive Producer  : Adam Hendricks | Producer  : Ben Cosgrove | Director  : Sophia Takal |